Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 25/26 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Prior knowledge questions from Gizmo
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Students completed the prior knowledge questions for the Gizmo Distance-Time.

We practiced reading motion graphs, including distance-tome and speed-time graphs.

We worked on the warm-up together. Students were then asked to apply what they learned by completing activities A-C of the Gizmo. Since most students did not complete the Gizmo, we will work on it next class period. Students will also take the assessment at the end of the Gizmo.