Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 11/12 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit?

LEARNING TARGET: Use vectors on a map to figure out the position of a moving object at a certain point in time.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Understand an objects position relative to a reference point.
-Determine the direction of a moving object.

BELL RINGER: Interpret the swimming graph

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 Using vectors to interpret motion


As the bell ringer, students received the swimming graph and were asked to write to interpret the motion of each swimmer.

Students then received HL 7. It is due next class. Answers on your own paper.

Students who needed to correct their exam did so.

We completed notes on position and speed.

Students are asked to begin design of their car and can bring their materials into class to work on them in class next class period.