Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 23/24 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Prior knowledge questions from Gizmo
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Students actually began the day by completing the prior GIZZMO on Density. Several students did not have the opportunity to complete the Gizmo and were given tablets and time to do so. You can find the handout for the Gizmo by logging in to your account, clicking the link directly below the Gizmo picture with lesson info. Once there, click the lesson handouts to find the pages that you must submit.