Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 30/31 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Continue Gizmo on Distance-Time

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students completed the Gizmo on Distance Time.

They also took the assessment at the end of the Gizmo.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 25/26 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Prior knowledge questions from Gizmo
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Students completed the prior knowledge questions for the Gizmo Distance-Time.

We practiced reading motion graphs, including distance-tome and speed-time graphs.

We worked on the warm-up together. Students were then asked to apply what they learned by completing activities A-C of the Gizmo. Since most students did not complete the Gizmo, we will work on it next class period. Students will also take the assessment at the end of the Gizmo.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 23/24 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Prior knowledge questions from Gizmo
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Students actually began the day by completing the prior GIZZMO on Density. Several students did not have the opportunity to complete the Gizmo and were given tablets and time to do so. You can find the handout for the Gizmo by logging in to your account, clicking the link directly below the Gizmo picture with lesson info. Once there, click the lesson handouts to find the pages that you must submit.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday/Friday 19/20 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.
-Complete Amazing Car project.

BELL RINGER: Interpret the helicopter diagram

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: car project

Students interpreted and discussed the helicopter graph as their bell ringer.

We continued in practicing how to read distance/time graphs. You can find the handouts below.

We will complete the discussion with speed/time graphs next class.

Students then continued and completed their car construction and trial runs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday, 17/18 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Make a venn diagram to compare two of the three terms on the handout: speed, velocity, or acceleration
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: car project

Students updated their interactive notebook and began a new topic.

They were given the majority of the period to work on their cars for the project.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Friday/Monday, 13/16 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit?

LEARNING TARGET: Use vectors on a map to figure out the position of a moving object at a certain point in time.


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Understand an objects position relative to a reference point.
-Determine the direction of a moving object.

BELL RINGER: Interpret the swimming graph (see last blog for the picture).
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 Using vectors to interpret motion/bring materials to class to work on car project (see last blog)

I was out of the classroom last Wednesday, so those students did not receive the handouts for home learning and the bell ringer. They received them today and completed the bell ringer in class today. The home learning will be due next class period.

We also completed the notes in class.

We worked on the Density gizmo as a whole class.

Students should bring materials to class to work on their car project next week.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 11/12 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit?

LEARNING TARGET: Use vectors on a map to figure out the position of a moving object at a certain point in time.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Understand an objects position relative to a reference point.
-Determine the direction of a moving object.

BELL RINGER: Interpret the swimming graph

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 Using vectors to interpret motion


As the bell ringer, students received the swimming graph and were asked to write to interpret the motion of each swimmer.

Students then received HL 7. It is due next class. Answers on your own paper.

Students who needed to correct their exam did so.

We completed notes on position and speed.

Students are asked to begin design of their car and can bring their materials into class to work on them in class next class period.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 09/10 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit?

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Understand an objects position relative to a reference point.
-Determine the direction of a moving object.
-Calculate the speed of an object suing the speed formula (v=d/t).

BELL RINGER: Calvin and Hobbs Position

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students used their knowledge of what position is to determine and write the errors in Calvin's dad's explanation of why the sun moves in the sky.

Home learning 6 on the car movement was collected and reviewed.

Those students needing to correct their exam did so.

We watched the BrainPop on acceleration to introduce the idea of motion. You can watch the moving by clicking the link below:

We then took notes on position and speed. You can find the notes below in movie form.

We worked for a short time on the Gizmo Density individually.

Home learning is to update your notebook.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday/Friday, 05/06 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit?


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Understand an objects position relative to a reference point.
-Determine the direction of a moving object.
-Calculate the speed of an object suing the speed formula (v=d/t).

BELL RINGER: Just Rolling Along

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: HL 6 Interpreting Motion Graphs


Students completed the bell ringer just rolling along by writing their choice on the white board paddles and talking to classmates about their answer.

Students received HL 6, which can be found above. All answers should be recorded on your won paper.

Students received the information for the Amazing Race project. Class time will be devoted next week for students to work on their cars in class.

We then reviewed the top most missed answers from the last test. Students were then given a chance to correct their exams.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday, 03/04 October, 2017

Students had a short study/review session before taking an assessment on laboratory safety, the scientific method, mass and weight, and density.