Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday, 08 November, through Wednesday, 15 November, 2017


Classes will take the QSBA 1 exam on Monday, 13 November for Period 2 and on Tuesday, 14 November for Period 3.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Calculate net force.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.10.10
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Take the QSBA 1 exam in Physical Science.

BELL RINGER: Test day - study session 15 min
             Non test day - Write to explain why you think we should wear seatbelt in a moving vehicle.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update/study for assessment


Students on Thursday did the bell ringer above.

Students then watched a BrainPop on Newton's Laws. You can watch the video by going to the link below. Sign in with the user name amsbartow and the password ams13.

Students then took notes on Newton's Laws. You can find the video form of the power point below.

Make-up exams will be given on Wednesday and Thursday, so be sure to be in school!

Students who have completed their exams will work on the Gizmos (Gravity Pitch and Fan Cart Physics) while others test or have their data chats.