Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 20/21 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Calculate net force.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.10.10
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Make up/correct the QSBA 1 exam in Physical Science.

BELL RINGER: Give a real world example of each of Newton’s Laws
VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students in both classes were interrupted due to the events of Spirit week and field trips, but students that still need to take the exam will do so next class. 

For the time we had in class, students worked on their Gizmos.