Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 29/30 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.

BELL RINGER: Swinging in the tree probe write or correction.
VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: HL 4 Newton's Laws


Students corrected their probe Swinging in the Trees.

Home learning 4 was distributed and explained. You can find it above.

Students continued the lab Newton's First and Second Laws. We also began write up for part 2 of the lab.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 27/28 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.

BELL RINGER: Set up lab notebook.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


We began the CPO kit lab Newton's First and Second Laws.

Students wrote the first part of the lab in their lab notebook: Title; Benchmark; Problem Statement; Hypothesis; Materials; Procedures; Variables and Constants; Data (Table).

We then did the first part of the activity; changing the mass of the car to see the affect on its speed.

We will continue the lab and write up next class.

The exit ticket was to write to complete the probe Swinging in the Trees.

Students spent the remainder of the class period on individual assignments such as Edgenuity and Gizmo.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 20/21 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Calculate net force.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.10.10
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Make up/correct the QSBA 1 exam in Physical Science.

BELL RINGER: Give a real world example of each of Newton’s Laws
VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students in both classes were interrupted due to the events of Spirit week and field trips, but students that still need to take the exam will do so next class. 

For the time we had in class, students worked on their Gizmos.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday/Friday, 16/17 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Calculate net force.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.10.10
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Correct the QSBA 1 exam in Physical Science.

BELL RINGER: Write to explain why you think we should wear seatbelt in a moving vehicle.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: HL 3: Newton’s second law


Students who had not written to explain why we should wear seat belts did so as the bell ringer.

Also, the class that had not taken notes on Newton's Laws or watched the BrainPop on Newton's Laws did so. You can find this information on the previous blog.

Home learning 3 above was distributed and we reviewed some sample problems.

Students then corrected the QSBA 1 exam.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday, 08 November, through Wednesday, 15 November, 2017


Classes will take the QSBA 1 exam on Monday, 13 November for Period 2 and on Tuesday, 14 November for Period 3.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Calculate net force.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.10.10
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Take the QSBA 1 exam in Physical Science.

BELL RINGER: Test day - study session 15 min
             Non test day - Write to explain why you think we should wear seatbelt in a moving vehicle.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update/study for assessment


Students on Thursday did the bell ringer above.

Students then watched a BrainPop on Newton's Laws. You can watch the video by going to the link below. Sign in with the user name amsbartow and the password ams13.

Students then took notes on Newton's Laws. You can find the video form of the power point below.

Make-up exams will be given on Wednesday and Thursday, so be sure to be in school!

Students who have completed their exams will work on the Gizmos (Gravity Pitch and Fan Cart Physics) while others test or have their data chats.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday/Wednesday, 07/08 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.P.110.10

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Compare the magnitude and range of the four fundamental forces.
-Hypothesize how forces will affect objects in motion and at rest.

BELL RINGER: Apple on a Desk

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: HL 2 Calculating Net Force


Students completed the probe apples on a desk as the bell ringer.

Students then watched the Brainpop movie Forces. You can watch the video by clicking on the link below and signing in with the user name and password below:

Username: amsbartow Pasword: ams13

Students then took notes on the Four Fundamental Forces. Use the handout below to take notes. You can find the movie version of the power point below.

We then practiced calculating net force problems. See the handout below for the practice sheet.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday/Monday, 03/06 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Continue Gizmo on Distance-Time
VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: HL 1 Analyzing Graphs with numbers


NOTE-Period 3 on Friday had an abbreviated class due to Academy meetings.

Students received HL 1, which can be found above. I demonstrated the first problem of each type. If you need help, see me BEFORE the handout is due!

Students continued independent work to complete the Gizmos on Distance/Tine and Velocity/Time. Students should make sure to complete the five question assessments at the end of each GIZMO.

Students continued data chats while others worked independently. 

Some students did their Edgenuity independent work.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 01/02 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a rocket ship get into orbit? 

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze graphs of motion with numbers


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Calculate speed from position-time graphs.
-Calculate distance from speed-time graphs.

BELL RINGER: Continue Gizmo on Distance-Time

VOCABULARY: position, speed, vector, velocity, projectile, free fall, acceleration, slope

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students worked independently on either of the Gizmos (Distance-Time or Velocity-Time). Students are to take the assessment at the end of each Gizmo.

Other students worked on Edgenuity, Scientific Knowledge.