Friday, December 15, 2017

Friday through Friday. 15-22 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Take/correct  exam on motion.
-Data chat.


VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update

Note: Due to Christmas activities, some information may be presented on another day. Monday is holiday baking.

Students completed the CER for the Newton's Laws labs, if necessary.

Students needing to take or correct the motion lab did so.

Students completed lab write-ups and completed the Gizmo Fan Cart Physics.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday/Thursday, 13/14 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Take/correct  exam on motion.
-Data chat.

BELL RINGER: Exam correction.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students needing to take the exam did so. Others corrected their exam.

The remaining class time was spent doing individual work and completing individual tasks.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday/Tuesday, 11/12 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.
-Take an exam on motion.
-Data chat.

BELL RINGER: Complete lab, if necessary, then study session.
VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students first completed the Newton's Laws lab, if necessary, then had a short study session for the exam on motion.

Students then took the motion exam. Students completing work early worked on Edgenuity or completed Gizmos.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tuesday-Friday, 5-9 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.

BELL RINGER: write the proportionals for all of the f-ma equations: if F increase, then m increases proportionally, etc.
VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students wrote the proportionality's for each of the iterations of Newton's second law. On the second day, students wrote to explain how the experiment related to Newton's laws.

Students then completed the second part of the lab, focusing on changing the force used to launch the car.

Students then worked on the Gizmo Fan Cart Physics.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Friday/Monday, 01/04 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: What is the relationship between force and motion? 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Interpret and apply Newton’s Laws of Motion to objects on earth.

BELL RINGER: CER for experiment 1.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students wrote their claim as their bell ringer.

Home learning 4 was collected and reviewed.

Students then continued work on the lab Newton's First and Second Laws, by writing up the first part and beginning the second part. The second part of the lab will focus on changing the force used to launch the car while keeping mass constant.

Remaining time was spend on individual work.