Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday, 31 August and Friday, 01 September, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is the relationship between mass and weight?


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Demonstrate proper knowledge of SI metric units.
-Convert measurements from one basic unit to another.
-Show how to use proper measuring tools with basic laboratory equipment and hands on application.
-Gather, analyze, and interpret data.

BELL RINGER: Quiz Variables

VOCABULARY: precision, accuracy, measurement, density, mass, volume, significant digits, graph, x and y axis, data, unit prefixes

HOME LEARNING: HL 2 Mass vs Weight

Students took the quiz on variables.

Students then did the bell ringer comparing cubes.

We then watched the video Mass Mass vs Weight

Students will take the baseline exam next class period.