Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday/Tuesday, 8/9 January, 2018

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do we wear a seatbelt? 

LEARNING TARGET: Determine the force of attraction between objects in the universe. 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Determine how motion and restraints affect a person in a moving vehicle.
-describe how the gravitational force between two objects epends on their masses and the distance between them.

BELL RINGER: Write your CER for your project.

VOCABULARY: force, weight, mass, tension, compression, balanced, unbalanced, frictional forces, equilibrium, normal and net force, inertia

HOME LEARNING: HL 6 Universal Gravitation


Students were asked to write the CER for their Restraints project as their bell ringer.

We watched a BrainPop on Gravity, which you can view by clinking the link below and signing in with the username amsbartow and the password ams13.

Students received HL 6, which can be found above.

We practiced answering several universal gravitation equation problems whole class.

Students then continued work on their Restraints project, writing up their project as a slide show using Office 365.