Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday/Friday, 22/29 September, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What is density?


LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Gather, analyze, and interpret data.
-Define density in terms of mass and volume and apply the formula to solve problems.

BELL RINGER: Write a question that can be answered from the video The REAL Physics of Hot Air Balloons.

VOCABULARY: precision, accuracy, measurement, density, mass, volume, significant digits, graph, x and y axis, data, unit prefixes

HOME LEARNING: Study for exam


Students set up a new Cornell notes section for the current topic density. They should have completed topi3 last class, including all questions, summary, and pasting in all pages related to that lesson.

Students watched the video The REAL Physics of Hot Air Balloons and either answered the question presented in the video or wrote their own level 2 or higher question from the video, including the answer.

You can find the video below:

Students then took notes on density. They are to add all pages and complete the Cornell notes section on their own.

You can find the power point below in movie form:

Students should study for an exam on laboratory safety, the scientific method and variables, the properties of matter, and density.

Classes that needed to complete the mass vs weight exit ticket did so.